Your Baumatic washing machine has been designed with an emergency drain facility in the event of the product not operating correctly. You will need to have a washing up bowl or similar dish handy to collect water and a mop or some towels to catch any spillage.
First step is to find where the waste pipe is connected to, you are looking for the grey corrugated hose that comes out of the rear of the product and fitted to the stand pipe of your house hold drainage system, as shown here.

grey waste pipe being removed from the drainage stand pipe
Place a shallow dish or washing up bowl down at ground level behind the machine and carefully lower the grey waste hose into the bowl, the water should now start to flow out into the bowl. The bowl will quickly fill up, to stop the water coming out simply lift the grey waste pipe up and the flow will stop. Empty the bowl out and keep going until all of the water has drained out. Re secure the grey hose back into the stand pipe.
It will now be possible to open the door and remove the washing load. Once the water has been drained it is possible to check the pump filter. This is located behind a kick plate or cover found at the bottom front edge of the machine, simply grasp at both sides, push the locking clips down and pull the cover off.

removing the lower front cover or 'kick plate'
With the cover removed the filter access can be found on the right. Place a towel down under the filter as a small amount of residual water will remain in the pump and will drip out onto your floor as shown. With the towel in position twist the filter cover anti clockwise to unscrew it.

notice water may drip out so place a towel or cloth down on the floor first

twist anti clock wise to unscrew and remove the filter

clean away any lime scale or debris found in the pump chamber and filter

Once the pump filter and chamber is clean dry the filter off and re fit by turning it clockwise until it is tight. Now pop the machine back onto the cycle and check around the front of the machine for leaks.