Filling up with dirty water

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Is it connected to the sink?

Is the water inside the machine dirty and smelly?

If it is, it may be because during the installation, you connected the grey washing machine waste hose to your sink. If so, it is important that the hose is fitted higher than the sink bowl. Is your machine next to the sink? check in the cupboard, if the hose is pointing straight down then it is possible that each time you empty the sink some of this water is flowing down into your washer. Check that it travels up above the sink and if not adjust it so that it is fitted as shown in this diagram:

routing te drain hose

to stop the machine filling up from your sink fit the waste hose as shown by the red arrow

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Locating Appliance Information Plates

Plates can be found on the front, back, side, rim or base of Baumatic appliances - as indicated below.

Baumatic typical model number plate
Washing Machine
Washer Dryer
Tumble Dryer
Single Oven
Double Oven
Wine Cabinet
Fridge Freezer
Range Cooker
Slot-in Cooker